"Exploring the Art of Contemporary Italian Fine Dining: An Interview with Chef-Owner of Clara Restaurant"

Clara Restaurant is one of the most sought-after destinations for contemporary Italian fine dining in Bangkok, providing patrons with incredible service, a stunning atmosphere, and cuisine that is not only authentic but also immensely fulfilling to the senses.

Recently, we had the opportunity to conduct an interview with Chef-owner Christian Martena of Clara Restaurant, and we're excited to share his insights on the following food-related topics...

What was your path to becoming a chef and can you share the highlights of your culinary journey?

Chef Christian Martena’s journey in the restaurant industry is a remarkable one. Coming from a family that has a tradition in food and restaurant business, he started cooking at a young age in his family restaurant. However, his passion for cooking took him on a journey around the world to gain more experience. After traveling across Spain, Portugal, Brazil, and Paris, he settled in Thailand 12 years ago, where he decided to open his own restaurant, Clara, named after his wife.

How would you describe CLARA’s concept/cuisine? How does it link with the BauHaus philosophy?

Clara is a contemporary Italian Fine Dining, his vision was to create a warm and cozy fine dining atmosphere, where guests would feel like they were coming to his home.

Clara's philosophy of minimalism is reflected in Chef Martena's cuisine. He believes that less is more and only uses a maximum of 3-4 products to compose a dish. This philosophy is reminiscent of the Bauhaus philosophy, which emphasizes clean lines and simplicity.

Can you share how your culinary beliefs and principles influence the dishes you prepare and serve?

Clara's menu takes guests on a journey through different Italian regions to represent Italian flair outside Italy. Every season CLARA chooses a produce that is typical for that region and works it in their contemporary way.

"Spaghetti come una Bruschetta"

The signature dish, "Spaghetti come una Bruschetta" is a blend of two classics of Italian cuisine: Spaghetti Tomato and traditional Bruschetta.

The spaghetti is cooked in tomato water to give it a punch of acidity, and then infused with oregano olive oil, tomato vinegar gel, crunchy bread crumble, and garlic flowers.

This dish has been awarded “Dish of the Year 2023” in Milan at the Gala della Cucina Italiana by 50 TOP ITALY.

Chef’s Quote

“Complexity in Simplicity”

Chef Christian Martena, CLARA

Could you share your plans on how CLARA will change and adapt in the year 2023?

CLARA will continue to follow their idealism of contemporary Italian cuisine while also prioritizing sustainability and supporting local producers. In addition to reducing waste, CLARA aims to support local producers by sourcing their ingredients as close to the restaurant as possible. By following these ideals, CLARA is contributing to a larger movement in the food industry towards sustainability and conscious consumption.

More Information:

They now offer a culinary journey through Italy by regions which change seasonally and a Signature Menu featuring Chef Christian highlight’s creation.

5 Regions Menu at THB 2,680 ++ | 7 Regions Menu at THB 3,680++ | Signature 9 Courses Menu at THB 4,880++

Wine Trails 5 Regions at THB 2,080++ (5 glasses) | Wine Trails 7 Regions at THB 2,480++ (6 glasses) |Wine Trails Signature Menu at THB 2,980++ (6 glasses)

CLARA currently opens from Monday to Saturday from 5PM to 11PM on 69, soi Prasak Suk.

For reservation and further information, visit www.clarabangkok.com or @clarabangkok on Facebook or call +66(0) 834963663.


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